Head Painting
Head Painting
Vilppu Academy

Head Painting

Regular price $900.00 $0.00

Starting April 7, 2025

Prerequisite: Head Drawing  (either online or in-person)

This class will focus on the planes and construction of the head, features and expressions using a limited palette. Beginning with small monochrome head studies focusing on the planes and construction of the head and features then progressing to head studies in color.


  • Sketchbook or paper and pencils for notes and sketches
  • Canvas
    • Cardboard backing from sketchbooks coated with clear acrylic cut to 8 x 10 inches QTY 6
    • or Canvas or Linen Panels or stretched canvas 8x10 inches (does not have to be this exact size) QTY 6
  • Brushes: filbert and round
    • The brushes can be other brands, but these are the brushes and sizes Glenn will use:
      • Winton #8 bristle brush filbert
      • Sareja #5 synthetic bristle round
      • Blick #8 synthetic bristle round
      • #2 synthetic bristle round
  • Palette (paper palette works well)
  • Oil paint
    • Any brand oil paint is okay
    • M Graham Walnut Oil based
      • This is Glenn's favorite and the paint he will use.
    • Water Soluble Oils are also good to use (Any brand is okay. Windsor Newton Artisan is a brand Glenn has used and liked.)
    • Colors
      • Raw Umber
      • Titanium White
      • Alizarin Crimson
      • Cadmium Yellow Light
      • Ultramarine Blue.
  • Medium for the brand of paint you are using
  • Non solvent brush cleaner 
  • Jars or media cups for medium and brush cleaner
  • paper towels or rags

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Amazing Course

This was an amazing course to follow! I learned so much about oil and portrait painting, and it was truly inspiring.

Connor Hoehn
Great for Beginners

This course will really set you up for success. The approach is to start with a simple sculpture that consists of general facial planes. It moves onward and transitions to monochromatic head paintings. Towards the end you will paint in color. I hope to take this again and reinforce these fundamentals.

This course is for all levels. Glenn will provide feedback based on where you are at.

Amy Mee
Facets of the Face

I really enjoyed this head painting session. Starting with the lessons outlining facets of the face, to color mixing and preparing the painting ground ..The instruction provided builds the portrait from the skull up. Each weeks lesson explores color and techniques for differing effects in the portrait . Glenn’s weekly critique of painting homework encapsulates what is good and discusses possible directions for the artist to work toward.
I am amazed at how detailed Glenn’s comments and instructions to submitted questions for consideration are too. Toward the end of the session Glenn shared some of his current painting and discussed his own evolution of work.. He really exemplifies what he is teaching. Working from the imagination with tools let’s the artist work become realized .

Andrea Christen

As a professional illustrator and passionate artist I highly recommend studying with Glenn. Choose the subject which is most interesting to you and start from there. Over the years I have attended Figure Drawing One and Two, Composition One and Two, Head Drawing, Head Painting and Anatomy. Some of these several times. All of Glenn’s lessons and critiques helped me to improve my drawing and painting skills with the tools he provides. His videocritiques with comments and recommendations are very important for me to improve my skills.
After almost ten years of studying with Glenn my toolbox of Vilppu drawing tools (which I use without rules) is still growing and I cherish every part of it. I use what I have learned every day and it is a pleasure to have it because I love to draw from imagination.
Glenn's courses have helped improve my drawing skills in many ways. I have achieved goals that I dreamed of and there are more on my list which I can tackle with my improved skills. Thank you Glenn.

Ti Zhao

I love this course because I got introduced to different methods and the process of painting as well as its relationship with drawing. The 'building up' / glazing method taught in the course gave me the experience of being both a painter and a sculptor which is amazing. I think Glenn's approach to painting (with glazing and not too constrained by the 'outlines') is very freeing and helps me realise that painting is not about making precise matching harmonious colour blocks. I used to think head structure and painting are complicated and get intimidated by them but now I actually think that head painting is the easiest kind of drawing/painting for me. This is a very nice course.

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