Vilppu Academy
Head Painting
Regular price
Starting April 7, 2025
Prerequisite: Head Drawing (either online or in-person)
This class will focus on the planes and construction of the head, features and expressions using a limited palette. Beginning with small monochrome head studies focusing on the planes and construction of the head and features then progressing to head studies in color.
- Sketchbook or paper and pencils for notes and sketches
- Canvas
- Cardboard backing from sketchbooks coated with clear acrylic cut to 8 x 10 inches QTY 6
- or Canvas or Linen Panels or stretched canvas 8x10 inches (does not have to be this exact size) QTY 6
- Brushes: filbert and round
- The brushes can be other brands, but these are the brushes and sizes Glenn will use:
- Winton #8 bristle brush filbert
- Sareja #5 synthetic bristle round
- Blick #8 synthetic bristle round
- #2 synthetic bristle round
- The brushes can be other brands, but these are the brushes and sizes Glenn will use:
- Palette (paper palette works well)
- Oil paint
- Any brand oil paint is okay
M Graham Walnut Oil based
- This is Glenn's favorite and the paint he will use.
Water Soluble Oils are also good to use (Any brand is okay. Windsor Newton Artisan is a brand Glenn has used and liked.)
- Raw Umber
- Titanium White
- Alizarin Crimson
- Cadmium Yellow Light
- Ultramarine Blue.
- Medium for the brand of paint you are using
- Non solvent brush cleaner
- Jars or media cups for medium and brush cleaner
- paper towels or rags