Week 1
The Basics of Drawing: Materials, Physicality, Fundamentals of Line and Value
Week 2
Drawing as a Tool: The Thumbnail, Blocking in /Lay-ins, Final Development Basic procedure of going from the general to the specific.
Week 3
How we Study: Sources
Week 4
Drawing from observation
Week 5
Describing Form: Analysis of Form: Geometrical Solids, Simplification, Combining Forms along with the Modeling Tone, Indirect Lighting to discribe the forms.
Week 6
Creating a Sense of Realism: Direct Lighting, Core, Reflected Light, Cast Shadows
Week 7
This lesson is overview of the use of reference material (photos, etc.) and how to use it most effectively in figure drawing. I discuss some of the basic pitfalls and problems in the use of photographs. The assignment will be to use photos/reference material in a figure drawing of your choice.
Week 8
In this video on using photos in drawing or painting heads I discuss some of the basic pitfalls and problems in the use of photographs in drawing heads. The assignment will be a drawing of the head from a photograph.
Week 9
Use of the camera as a sketchbook/reference for further development of landscape subject matter.
Week 10
Animal drawing and the use of the photo as a means of research and reference. How to work from the photograph.
Figure 1 Starting April 7, 2025 or the following session (please make a selection in notes on checkout)
This online course is developed from the Basic Figure Drawing course that I teach world wide and is the basis for the Vilppu Drawing Manual. This course consists not only of my video lectures, but also includes lectures using the tablet computer as I do in my regular classes. Figure Drawing 1 focuses on the gesture, using simple volumes consistent with traditional figure construction as a means of communicating and analyzing the gesture as well as the fundamentals of rendering form with tone and line.