Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
A discussion of variations in types of heads. This lesson will focus upon the differences and how they affect the overall individual character of the model.
Week 4
In this lesson the focus will be on the eyes and nose with an in depth discussion of different types as well as the construction of the planes.
Week 5
The variety of lips and construction of the mouth will be the primary element of this discussion.
Week 6
Age differences are a major element of the head and will be the focus of this lesson, discussions of how we change with age and how to show the differences in the drawing.
Week 7
Hair will be the primary focus in this lesson. How to draw hair as well as its use in showing action, gesture and form.
Week 8
Various techniques in rendering form will be demonstrated using both pencil and pen.
Week 9
Expression - how to capture it from life as well as the fundamental elements that create a variety of expressions.
Week 10
Capturing characters while sketching - quick sketch