Composition 2
Starting April 7, 2025
The course will consist of assignment that will require the students to create, according to their particular interests, either illustrations, compositions for paintings, animation storyboard, layout, or comic book pages.
Weekly Critiques & Video Chats
Each piece will consist of three elements
1) Rough idea sketches
2) Developed roughs or comps.
3) Finished Illustrations, cartoons for paintings, or pencil comic book pages ready for inking.
The students will work on several overlapping projects at the same time. Each week the student will start a new assignment.
Week 1
The first assignment will be given.
Week 2
Roughs for assignment 1 are due.
Assignment 2 will be given
Week 3
Comprehensives for assignment 1 are due.
Roughs for assignment 2 are due.
Assignment 3 will be given.
Week 4
Final of first assignment will be due
Comprehensive for assignment 2 are due
Roughs for assignment 3 are due
Assignment 4 will be given.
The class will consist of a total of 7 assignment covering 10 weeks.
Each assignment will be designed to create compositional & subjective situations requiring the students to focus upon new compositional problems furthering their understanding and development of picture making.
Examples of Assignments
Three individuals discussing a some one else. The focus upon body language, expressions. The primary compositional element to be discussed is the play of differences and the use of subjective elements. Two figure composition. The figures can only occupy 1/4 of the work. The primary compositional element will how we lead the eye in the composition and the use of space. Two separate groups of figures. The problem will be on how you lead the eye from one group to the next. Additional compositional elements will involve the introduction of pictorial structure. In this assignment the point will be to show two different points in time for the subject in the same composition. Compositionally first and second reading, viewing the work in proper order.
The student will approach each assignment according to their particular interests, painting, illustration, comic or animation design.
Assignment can be approached from a realistic, cartoon or the particular stylistic interests of the student as well as media. Each assignment will be required to conform to the basic formats of their interest. Illustrators focusing upon usage, such as book or advertising page requirements. Animation work will be done to standard field size proportions as will comic book pages to industry standards. Painting students work to any proportional form they wish.
The is a new direction for me teaching on line so I will be flexible as I hope the students will be. I plan on using my Google Glass as well as standard recording elements in presenting the assignments.
The critiques will follow the same general format as my other classes but will require more time so the class is going to be limited to the number of students at present.